imdb search plugin adaption

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imdb search plugin adaption

Post by Holtzkopf »

hi everybody, hi conor! ;)

i am not into xcode or cocoa programming, therefor i am seeking somebody to help me a bit.
in dvdpedia you have a choice of different search-sites to gain data from. in my opinion one of the best ist!
i live in germany and would love to have access to the german version of this site, before i start adding all my films.
the main reason for this is the fact, that all the other german sites have some sort of bugs. e.g. small fotos, no or wrong summaries of the films (especially amazon) etc.!
the german version of the site is called! the site is exactly the same, as the english version. only the url is different.
maybe i'm wrong, but due to the fact above, i belive it shouldn't be too much of a problem to adapt the plugin. just the the url has to be changed, or not?
i found the plugin in the dvdpedia folder, but i was unable to open it. i also installed cocoa and gave it a try. unfortunatly without success. i couldn't see a single piece of code! :cry:

so if somebody is familiar with the dvdpedia plugins and knows how to work with xcode or cocoa and has some spare minutes, perhaps he or she can do me a favor and give it a try!
thanks in advance.

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Re: imdb search plugin adaption

Post by Rigido »

Plugins are compiled from if you don't have the source code you can't do anything.
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Re: imdb search plugin adaption

Post by Holtzkopf »

hi rigido!

thanks for that info. that was my missing part.
my only experiences with programming are html, mysql, php and stuff like that. i was used to "see" the programm, when i opened a file.
if i understand you right my only chance is to sit and wait until conor or somebody from the dvdpedia team releases a new plugin for this specific search-engine.
i already contacted him. he told me, that this topic is on the wish list, but doesn't have a high priority.
looks like i'll keep the pedia running and wait for the plugin, before i start to enter all my films with wrong data or low quality on the pics. :(


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Re: imdb search plugin adaption

Post by Conor »

You can have the source of the plug-in if you would like to give it a try. You are going to need Xcode on your machine:

1. Download and unzip the project
2. Place a copy of in both "PluginIMDB/Build/Debug" and "PluginIMDB/build/Release". (The plug-in build phase automatically copies the plug-in to inside the application contents folder in those locations for testing.)
3. Open the Xcode project (blue icon)
4. In the menu "Projects --> New Custom Executable" choose the in "PluginIMDB/Build/Debug/"
5. Set the build configuration to "Debug". You can now run the project (build and run) and test the plug-in, you can also use build and debug (command-y) to set breakpoints and use the debugger (command-shift-y). The great advantage of this is you can ctrl-click on the code and say 'add breakpoint' and the debugger will come up and stop the program at that point and you can step through each instruction and see the variables change.

You only want to build in Release to share the plug-ins with others or to copy the plug-in from "PluginIMDB/build/Release" to your home folder ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/Plug-ins to install the plug-in in your regular DVDpedia.

The IMDb plugin is one of the more complicated ones. But if you're looking to only change the aka site, that is only a change of the URL, look for "" for the places where it needs to change.
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Re: imdb search plugin adaption

Post by Holtzkopf »

hi conor!

thanks for the info! yes. i belive the sites are exactly the same as far as i can tell from browsing around. in this case only changing the url should do the trick. thats why i think it should not be too hard.
i'll get xcode now and see how far i get. i'll probably come back to you, if i encounter any problems.
thanks for the source!

greetings, arne
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