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Pocketpedia: Feature Request

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:58 pm
by meckert
Firstly, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your products! I'm an avid Bookpedia user, and the addition of Pocketpedia is just awesome!

One feature request I'd like to make is to allow a collection to be sorted by Author Lastname, Firstname -- rather than by title.

When I head to the library with my iPhone and my PocketPedia wishlist collection, it would make finding something on my wishlist a breeze by sorting by author last name.

Keep up the great work!! ...and if you ever need some alpha/beta testers, drop me a note! ;-)

Re: Pocketpedia: Feature Request

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:34 am
by djwudi
More sorting choices would be great. I'm using a set of smart collections for certain authors I collect to keep track of what I have, but having my collection displayed using a title sort instead of an author sort seems extremely odd to me. Along with that, I love the ability to set the last-name priority sort in Bookpedia, and that would by far be my preferred sort order in Pocketpedia as well.

Also, and perhaps related to the slow backup times issue, I'd love to have an option to turn off cover display in Pocketpedia, for a (less pretty but) more compact and faster info-only view.

Nice little app, though -- and I'm another who discovered (and bought) other 'pedias after finding Pocketpedia!

Re: Pocketpedia: Feature Request

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:50 am
by Conor
Thank you for the feedback. The sorting is on the top of our to do list along with a few other things, including cover flow. We initially had the sorting carry from Bookpedia, but we thought this might cause a bit of confusion so we changed it until we can implement a way to set it in Pocketpedia or at least display the sorted by information. Because we want to implement Cover Flow we probably will not add an option for disabling the transferr of covers. We want to keep the program simple and the less thinking the users have to do the better (no wondering why covers are not showing in their cover flow view). On Bookpedia's behalf once the initial sync is done subsequent syncs are only updates and go fairly fast. As for the slow backup times we have confidence in Apple that these issues will be fixed in the upcoming version of iTunes or iPhone 2.1 OS, as they not only affect Pocketpedia but almost every App Store application. The no cover list view that shows more information per screen is a very interesting proposal and will definitely play around with that as we develop Pocketpedia further.

Re: Pocketpedia: Feature Request

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:49 pm
by djwudi
Conor wrote:The sorting is on the top of our to do list along with a few other things.... We initially had the sorting carry from Bookpedia, but we thought this might cause a bit of confusion so we changed it until we can implement a way to set it in Pocketpedia or at least display the sorted by information.
Nice to hear -- looking forward to a future update, then!
Conor wrote:Because we want to implement Cover Flow we probably will not add an option for disabling the transferr of covers. We want to keep the program simple and the less thinking the users have to do the better (no wondering why covers are not showing in their cover flow view).
Ah, that makes sense. No worries there, then!

Thanks again for the new toys! Almost have all my DVDs in, my books are in courtesy of a LibraryThing export/import, now to work on my girlfriend's library.... ;)