2 Computer lost additions?

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2 Computer lost additions?

Post by OogieM »

I have bookpedia installed on 2 macs, one Imac and 1 laptop. Both of the have as the place for the data file my Bookpedia folder on Dropbox.

I spent about 4 hours entering in books on the laptop. I quit bookpedia. The fired it up on my main mac and none of the updates I entered are in there at all.

I shut it down on the mac and opened up my laptop and now everything I entered is gone on there as well.

Reading the manual seems tpo imply that if the file is in a place that is synced, like Dropbox that the canges I made on oone machine should show up on the other one.

Where else can I look to try to recover the data or do I have to re-entere in everything?
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