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BookPedia and Zotero

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:07 am
by celtoslavica
Any chance that Bookpedia might one day import Zotero references, like Zotero .rdf files? Or any other form of Zotero integration??

Re: BookPedia and Zotero

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:47 pm
by Conor
Never even heard of Zotero, but I will give the Firefox plugin a download and try it out.

Re: BookPedia and Zotero

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:36 am
by celtoslavica
Zotero as well as Papers from have become important tools for scientific work. However, there are several drawbacks, and I still prefer to use Bookpedia to maintain my library. First of all, especially Papers is more useful for natural sciences, not so much for humanities. It still has no satisfying book data integration. The data filing can be a pain, even if it takes metadata from the web. Bookpedia is simply great, when it come to personal configuration with the help of templates.

As for Bookpedia, it would be great to see in the future an intelligent PDF integration (links to the hard disc that keep track of location changes, or at least a function to search via Spotlight for the new location). Wider access to library servers (via SUTRIS etc.). Integration of Google Books and Google Scholar, if technically possible.


Re: BookPedia and Zotero

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:00 pm
by druid
Like Markus, I use both Zotero and Papers and find them much less easy to operate than Bookpedia. I know there have been many requests for other -Pedia applications, but I'd love to see one where I could record notes from articles: book chapters, journals, magazines, newspapers, web sites. I can do this in EndNote (or Sente), but the interface and editing in BP are superior. For me, its best feature is multiple-entry edit with a Cmd-E. That cleans up all the irregularities in data and makes for good output: to Endnote, for example.