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Pocketpedia 3 sort bug

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:41 pm
by grasstust
"Master and Commander: The Far side of the world" is getting sorted under T,
while on DVDPedia on the Mac it gets sorted right - under M.

Re: Pocketpedia 3 sort bug

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:33 am
by Conor
Perplexing! Very few T's in that title. Do make sure that it's sorted by title in Pocketpedia as well. Footer will mention what the collection is sorted by and try changing the sort with the sort button and then back to title. Also please double check your sort title column in DVDpedia, that is really the only reason I can come up with that "Master and Commander" would appear under T. If nothing fixes it, do send me your data file as I unable to repeat it here with adding all 6 Doghouse copies of "Master and Commander" to different collections.

Re: Pocketpedia 3 sort bug

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:28 am
by grasstust
Ah! I just chose sort by title and it sorted right. So, maybe when syncing contacts Pocketpedia should do an automatic sort by the already chosen sort-type?

Re: Pocketpedia 3 sort bug

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:00 pm
by Conor
Pocketpedia brings the sort order as is from the Pedias to allow users to have a more customized sort order that Pocketpedia does not allow, such as one based on several fields. But it's likely that there could be bugs as Pedias are so much more powerful that Pocketpedia. Do please resort your Pedias by title and whatever the bug was it should go away.