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Can I see ZUID as a column?

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:13 am
by The Swede
Hi again!

Is there anyway that I can show the field ZUID as a column? I don't need to be able to edit it but I'd really like to be able to sort by it.
(As of now I create a custom field taking data from ZUID and make a unique number. But it seems as an unnecessary amount of work and I can only do it in batch...)

Re: Can I see ZUID as a column?

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:01 pm
by Nora
Thanks for the feedback. That's not possible at this point but if you want to use it as a sorting option you could use the Collection ID instead. You can assign collection IDs via the Incremental Collection ID menu command found under the Movie menu. This menu command brings up a window where you can have the program automatically assign numbers, letters or some other personal ID system to your entries. If you already have entries in your database to which you'd like to assign an ID,

- select all the entries to which you want to apply a collection ID
- open the 'Incremental Collection ID...' menu command
- enter a format for the IDs such as "AB1" or just "1"
- press 'Apply to Selection' to have the program enter the IDs for the selection

To have the program add collection IDs in this format to new entries, check the box next to 'Increment automatically for new additions'. If you change the collection ID or blank the field out while you're adding an entry, the ID will not increment.

Re: Can I see ZUID as a column?

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 3:44 pm
by The Swede
Thanks for that info. As a foreigner I understood the term "Collection ID" as an ID OF collections, not an ID IN a collection.
One learns every day...

However, that might seem as a useful way but in my case it is not. I use the ZUID number in connection with the Location to create a Custom field with a unique article number. I use an SQL-statement in Navicat to do that manually. I do that every week or so, that means that the latest added books doesn't have that article-number and sometimes I'd like to se the ZUID for them.

Since it is not used as a counter per se, I have no need to alter the number. As a matter of fact, that would only be a source for coming errors. "Know thy self" one could say...

But it also works pretty well by sorting on "Date added", but I had to ask...

Re: Can I see ZUID as a column?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:08 am
by Conor
I have added it as a debug option under the main Help menu. Download the beta version and hold down the option key and click on the Help menu and you will see the option to add the UID as a column. It will be appended as the last column in your list view. It can be dragged to re-arrange. We have used it in the past internally so it should work without much issue, but do be aware that it's for debugging purposes, if some feature complains about the UID column.