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generalized pedia (as in flat-file DB)

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:03 pm
by Meteorolog
I love (at least virtually) CDPedia, but would like a good generalized customizable database for other uses. The question arises particularly with the demise of Bento. It was not perfect, but did pretty well for customizable databases. Filemaker would be good, but it is overkill, and overpriced for my purposes. Tap Forms would be a decent replacement, but sharing it across devices via iCloud is too scary for a database of passwords. Any plans to do a generalized, customizable and device-synchronized flat-file DB in this corner of the world?

Re: generalized pedia (as in flat-file DB)

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 2:05 am
by Conor
A customizable Pedia has always been an idea. Some of the changes made in 3.0 with the then new (now modern flat white design) edit screen was part of being more flexible. Where it all breaks down is in the creating fields on the fly. Knowing the type of fields before hand allows for a lot more speed when it comes to smart collections and searching. Something that is reflected in the custom fields of the current versions that come as text, long text, tags, date or check mark. Of course this is only important when you have thousand of items. It is a project that we want to take on, and everyday we work a little more towards it, but are always side tracked by regular updates to the Pedias. As well as some small projects we would like to work on. Although on the to do list it's not currently in development. Thank you for letting us know that it would be something you would be willing to get behind and support.