Better Multiple Title Adding in DVDPedia

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Better Multiple Title Adding in DVDPedia

Post by polyex »

I like the ability to add multiple titles at once and let dvdpedia run off and find the match. But I want to approve the match before it is added to my library, this is because 50% of the time DVDPedia is wrong and always goes with the first match. "White Dog" matched to "Meet The Parents" stuff like that, why not just a list of matches for approval just like you have when you add a single title.
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Post by Nora »

The multiple add feature was designed with UPCs in mind since those are fairly unique and would get you the correct result almost every time. That's why the program adds the first result automatically.
If you want to use titles though you can set a delimiter to increase your correct results by setting the 'Limit to' drop down menu to Title (in the regular search window). The multiple add will take that into account when searching Amazon.
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